Are you prepared for fire season? Here are some helpful tips from LAFD to prepare and protect your family and home.
1. Make sure there is at least 200' of brush clearance around your house, including trimming trees and ornamental vegetation.
2. Monitor the weather for fire weather warnings.
3. Be aware of parking restrictions in your area so fire trucks have access.
4. Have an evacuation plan for your family. Ensure items such as medications, clothing, and essentials are packed.
5. If you have elderly or special needs family members, make a plan to help them evacuate.
6. Develop a contact list with family members to keep them informed of your status and to prevent overloading the 9-1-1 system.
For more information about how to be prepared in the event of a brush fire, visit: https://www.lafd.org/safety/education/ready-set-go