Councilmember John Lee stopped by West Hills Hospital and Medical Center to serve Jamba Juice smoothies and present student artwork to the team of dedicated hospital workers who have been working tirelessly on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The West Hills Hospital and Medical Center is a world-class medical facility and I, along with the residents of the San Fernando Valley, owe them a debt of gratitude for their courage and compassion during this public health crisis,” said Councilmember Lee. “These essential workers, from the doctors and nurses, to the custodial staff and lab technicians, put themselves at risk every day to care for our community’s infirm, including those with the novel coronavirus.”
Since the pandemic began, Councilmember Lee has worked with local businesses and community organizations to secure donations of personal protective equipment and meals for the hospital staff at West Hills Hospital and Northridge Hospital, which is also in the district. “I am always humbled and inspired by the outpouring of support by our community during times of crisis,” remarked Lee. “This is a community that comes together, rolls up its sleeves and asks, ‘How can we help?’”
“The days are long, but the team here at West Hills is second to none,” said Mark Miller, CEO of West Hills Hospital. “We are especially appreciative of Councilmember Lee for the many tangible ways he has come alongside to support and encourage our staff throughout this pandemic.”
Lee’s office recently held an art contest for students grade TK through 12. Hundreds of pieces of original art were submitted by students across the Twelfth District expressing gratitude to essential workers and everyday heroes. Many pieces of this artwork created especially for hospital workers was on display for the West Hills staff today, and will be put up throughout the hospital.
Lee also brought face mask adapters to relieve ear pain from excessive use of face masks. These adapters were hand sewn by community members and part of a partnership with the Granada Hills Rotary Club.