Chief of Staff
As Chief of Staff, Hannah advises the Councilmember on all policy and community matters and oversees the operations of the City Hall and Chatsworth offices. She works closely with the entire CD12 team to provide guidance toward achieving the Councilmember's community and legislative priorities, all with an emphasis on providing excellent customer service and maintaining our neighborhoods as the best and safest in the City.
She has worked for the last four of the district's Councilmembers over a period of 17 years, beginning in a role focused on land use and planning matters. During her time with the office, she has expanded her knowledge of the City in a vast range of topics and developed positive working relationships with residents, community stakeholders, business leaders, and City staff that produce results for and improve the district.
Hannah is a native of the district and is proud daily to serve the people of CD12.
Email: hannah.lee@lacity.org